Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So, I had better explain the title...

most people think I am... well a bit of a nerd. When it comes to some things, I am-- especially food and books. I was racking my brains for the perfect theme/title of my blog, and so I decided to use the word "literature". The origin of the word comes from a latin expression that translates in the meaning: "acquaintance with letters". So, judge me if you will, but there you have it.
so... an acquaintance with letters. my an aquaintance with me would help. My name is Julie. I live in Canada and go to school in Utah. I have a big family, my favorite color is blue, I perfer wood over metal in most things, and I am kind of a health freak. Spinach is my best friend. My favorite books include: Wuthering Heights, Persuasion, Heart of Darkness, and (of course), Harry Potter.
Beyond the written word, my interests include running (I hope to do a marathon for the first time next year sometime), helping others understand why milk and sugar are not the healthiest things in the world, movies, and cooking. I love to bake and create new recipes. Even though I am not the mom, I make dinner every night at my house, just because I usually enjoy it a great deal.
This blog may be for my own benefit. But I hope to benefit others: an aquaintance with letters. Friends start with acquaintances. And friends, good ones, can change your life.


  1.'ll have to try and scare me out of using milk. still not a milk drinker, but i use it in cooking and LOVE milk products. i'd switch to soy in a second, but i hate that they charge you more for the things that are better for you!!! love you jubbie and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

  2. haha... well, I actually am not a huge fan of soy either. Milk is only promoted as good for you in the US... and cheese (which is everyone's favorite) is seventy times more addicting than milk, and twenty percent more than chocolate, and either than things like butter and fat, contain the most percent fat than any other food. In countries like Canada and the US, who have the highest intake of milk per capita, we also have the highest levels of osreoperosis. Milk is a source of calcium, which is important, but... where does ever other animal get their calcium (where do cows get theirs?)... plants. And it should be similar for humans, I think. Anywho... that is my soap box. I use almond milk now, which you can find in most stores, including superstore, by the rice milk.
    Can't wait to see you also, Brittany, and your gorgeous girls.
